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Sunday, 06 February 2011 09:21


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Bounce Bounce

Rest In Peace

16.01.2000 -  14.01.2010

In loving memory of our Bounce.
In my arms I carried her home
In my arms I let her go…..

Rest in Peace my beautiful lady….
in time we will meet again at the gates of Rainbow Bridge.

Bounce was our proverbial 'clown in a dog suit'.  She arrived at our home at the age of 10 weeks.....and what a surprise she was!  She was my first bull terrier!  At the time part our household consisted of two cats (aged 10 years and 5 years) and these two 'raised' Bounce!  She simply loved them.  Initially Bounce thought that Blade, the older cat, was her mother and many times tried to 'suckle' her....Blade, very politely, with a claw retracted paw, reassured her that this was not so!  Taz, our ginger tom, was her 'playmate'!  The two of them would go careening up and down the passage creating havoc that only a bully and a cat can create.  When Taz had had enough of Bounce's attention he would calmly jump up onto the dining room table and ignore her.

Bounce was the one who educated us to the fact that skirting boards can be chewed, shoes can be 'stolen' out of a cupboard - with a closed door - that it's not wise to leave a 9 month old bully pup alone in house!  Even if it was only for 30 minutes.  Once, and only once, I left her alone in the house while I just 'popped' down to the shops.  Upon my return I couldn't open the front door, there was something obstructing it.  Eventually, after much pushing and shoving, I discovered that our 'sweet' little girl, had pulled our two seater leather settee right up to the front door.  Not only that, she had torn open the side and promptly climbed inside to wait for her 'mummy' to come home!  Clearly a case of stress!! She also taught us about 'hucklebutting' - that 'mad moment' when they charge from one end of the house to the other, onto the couch, off the couch, round the coffee table, round the dining room table, into the garden, back into the house, down the passage, onto the bed, whirring around on the bed, sending duvet and cushions flying and then flopping down onto the floor with a delighted grin on the face and tongue hanging out of the side of the mouth. And all you can do is stand still and wait for the moment to be over!
Bounce was also our 'talker'.  Whenever I was having a conversation on the phone Bounce always had to express her 'tuppence' worth!  Often my friends wanted to know who is 'talking' in the background and when I told them that it is Bounce they were amazed because she really sounded as if she was telling us a story!   She loved it when we have visitors, especially the children!
Bounce passed on to Rainbow Bridge on the 9th January 2010.  R.I.P. our beautiful lady – until we meet again.


She has the most mischievous eyes I have ever seen,
A face full of smiles Letting you know she is queen.
At a jaunty stride Off she goes,
Nothing can hide From that inquisitive nose.
The ginger tom Is such great fun
At a leaping run, To pounce upon
Tugging an ear or two
Is even better
The tail is temping too
If only he would let her.
Digging in the garden Another favourite pastime,
With ne’er a ‘beg pardon
For all the dirt and grime.
Climbing onto tables
To see what’s on top,
Licking stolen soup ladles,
Running off with socks.
I can only but giggle
When there’s a need to chastise
As she squirms with a wiggle
Showing off her feminine wiles.
With her every ounce
She has made my life merrier

My dog, ‘Bounce’,
My Bull Terrier.
Inge Emmerson 21 July 2000

Read 10690 times Last modified on Thursday, 27 December 2012 12:44

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