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Sunday, 06 February 2011 09:19

Mika - Lusahn Desert Rose of Zingora

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Mika - Lusahn Desert Rose of Zingora Mika - Lusahn Desert Rose of Zingora

Bright-eyed and wagging tailed, 8 month old very vocal tweeny-bopper Mika came to the Zingora kennels for a short ‘vacation’ – and never left! She had slightly injured her leg whilst playing with her other young kennel mates at her birth place, Lusahn Kennels, and as they were pressed for space at the time came to us for a ‘rest’.

A few weeks later young Mika, now completely sound again, had integrated herself so well into our group and of course, by then we had totally fallen in love with her!  So she stayed and became part of our small group.
Mika loves everyone – human and canine! Her favourite ‘thing’ in life is shoes – she doesn’t chew them, she just carries them around all over the place and then leaves them lying around for her kennel mates to chew!  So, should you visit our kennels, please do not leave your shoes lying around!  You will definitely have to go home barefoot.
In November 2008 Mika and Uzzi (Lusahn Command ‘n Conquer of Zingora) blessed us with seven beautiful little girls – one solid red, two brindles, one black brindle and three tri-colours.  Initially she was quite amazed and intrigued by these seven squirming little creatures but very soon her maternal instinct surfaced and was a caring and loving bully mum!  All her pups have inherited the parents’ amenable temperament and there was never an ill ‘yap’ or ‘nip’ between them.
In April 2010 Mika  and  Google (Zingora Canis Major) presented us with two most beautiful brindle girls. Once again Mika nurtured her pups with much love and care.
Mika has now ‘retired’ from the bully mum clan and has a leasurely life of eating, sleeping, doing a little romp in the garden with her kennel sister, Skye, and generally being loved and lounging on the couch! 
Pedigree for Lusahn Desert Rose of Zingora
Lusahn Top Secret Gent Int Ch Grisse Basse Hany Panky Kamp JW '96 Noors Kamp Quest Thunderstruck (Imp Norway)
Quest Porcile Pura (Imp Norway)
Grisse Basse Kykkeli Kokkos of Lusahn (Imp Ned Quest Abdelazar (Imp Norway)
Grisse Basse Grisse Grine
Napier Hallmark of Lusahn (Imp UK) Ch (UK) Flashpoint Inferno at Kilacabar Ch (UK) Kilacabar Stand and Deliver
Staray's Blue Savannah of Kilacabar
Willeve Ruby Red Dancer at Napier Jamies Bright Star at Ishaba
Napier Quintessential of Willeve
Read 11723 times Last modified on Friday, 12 June 2015 10:12

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