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Sunday, 06 February 2011 09:19

Skye - Grisse Basse Starlight Girl

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Skye - Grisse Basse Starlight Girl Skye - Grisse Basse Starlight Girl

In February 2007 I attended the Major Trophy Show in the UK. What an experience!Even better was the fact that I met up with Skye’s grandfather, the renowned Kalsar Sweet William and what a sweet boy he is!; After the trophy show I flew over to the Netherlands to visit with Brigitte and Paul of the Grisse Basse kennels and of course, to collect little Grisse Basse Starlight Girl! Skye was the smallest in the litter but surely has the biggest heart and a most wonderful sense of humour. She flew in the cabin with me all the way from Amsterdam in Holland, over to Munich in Germany and then onto Cape Town in South Africa.Hence her name Skye at the tender age of 8 weeks she was already a well seasoned traveller!

She has the wonderful Dutch temperament and fits well into my small kennel.In November 2008 she presented us with four beautiful little pups, two boys, two girls and despite it being her maiden litter turned out to be the most incredible mother. 
In April 2010 Skye once again blessed our home with another litter, this time two girls and one boy, all of them white. The sire of both litters is Uzzi (Lusahn Command ‘n Conquer of Zingora). All her pups have inherited not only the parents’ good looks but also the temperament!
In October 2012 Skye was mated to Newman (Piketberg Warrior Awesome) and we were blessed with seven beautiful little bully pups, four girls and three boys!  Once again Skye bestowed her wonderful temperament and loving nature onto all the pups! Skye has now also joined the ‘retired ladies club’ and enjoys a relaxed life with her kennel sisters Mika and Moon!

Pedigree for Grisse Basse Starlight Girl of Zingora

Quest Pomeroy (Ned) Ch Quest T Rex Quest Excalibur
Quest Irresistible
Quest Regina Renegade Frode av Rootenstock
Grisse Basse Easy Going Questa
Quest Heritage de Grisse Basse (Ned)

Kalsar Sweet William

Ch.Lux. Swed.Ch

Ned & Int Ch Grisse Basse Charming White Devil  JW '98 Belg., Noors Kamp

Kingsline Miranda of Kalsar
Quest Pistolette Quest Excalibur
Quest Surprise Surprise


Read 11248 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 January 2013 14:38

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